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Who we are

Event Hostesses A-Z works with a team of experienced experts who are hand-selected to suit the needs of each event and project. This ensures a positive work environment and reinforces our belief that communication is key.

Depending on the project and event specification, we work either together as one team or on a freelance basis.

Our hosts and hostesses come from diverse backgrounds with unique skillsets and motivations as to why they choose to work with us. Just a few members of our team worth mentioning are, Sarah, our technical engineering student who is French speaking. Anna,  a young mother, fluent in both, Czech and German. Carl, a junior football coach who also speaks German. Our Spaniard, Crstina who comes from Madrid and Qaqa, our dynamic student from Zimbabwe…

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Founder Christiane Mohrstedt with the freelance event co-ordinator Marie Stinnes. Here at the legendary  L'Ormarains Queen's Plate at Kenilworth Race Course.

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